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National Institute of Statistics and Economic Analysis (INSAE) (Benin)

Alternative name 
Institut National de la Statistique et de l’Analyse Economique

Dataset Records for National Institute of Statistics and Economic Analysis (INSAE) (Benin)

Displaying 1 - 6 of 6

Benin Population and Housing Census 2013

Recensement Général de la Population et de l’Habitation (RGPH4)
Census: De facto - Household - Individual - Interview - Nationally representative - Subnationally representative - Urban-rural representative

Benin Statistical Yearbook 2010

Annuaire Statistique 2010
Report: Epi surveillance - Subnationally representative - Urban-rural representative
Displaying 1 - 18 of 18

Benin Demographic and Health Survey 2017-2018

République du Bénin Cinquième Enquête Démographique et de Santé 2017-2018
Survey: Cross-sectional - GPS coordinates (GIS) - Household - Individual - Interview - Nationally representative - Subnationally representative - Urban-rural representative

Benin Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 2014

Bénin Enquête par grappes à Indicateurs Multiples (MICS) 2014
Survey: Cross-sectional - Household - Individual - Interview - Nationally representative - Subnationally representative - Urban-rural representative

Benin Population and Housing Census 2013

Recensement Général de la Population et de l’Habitation (RGPH4)
Census: De facto - Household - Individual - Interview - Nationally representative - Subnationally representative - Urban-rural representative

Benin Demographic and Health Survey 2011-2012

Enquête Démographique et de Santé et à Indicateurs Multiples du Bénin EDS-MICS-IV 2011-2012
Survey: Cross-sectional - De jure - GPS coordinates (GIS) - Household - Individual - Interview - Nationally representative

Benin Demographic and Health Survey 2006

Enquête Démographique et de Santé 2006
Survey: Cross-sectional - Household - Individual - Interview - Nationally representative - Subnationally representative

Benin Demographic and Health Survey 2001

République du Bénin Enquête Démographique et de Santé 2001 (EDSB-I)
Survey: Community - Cross-sectional - GPS coordinates (GIS) - Household - Individual - Interview - Nationally representative

Benin Demographic and Health Survey 1996

République du Bénin Enquête Démographique et de Santé 1996 (EDSB-I)
Survey: Cross-sectional - GPS coordinates (GIS) - Household - Individual - Interview

Benin Statistical Yearbook 2010

Annuaire Statistique 2010
Report: Epi surveillance - Subnationally representative - Urban-rural representative
Displaying 1 - 3 of 3

Benin Statistical Yearbook 2010

Annuaire Statistique 2010
Report: Epi surveillance - Subnationally representative - Urban-rural representative