Global Health Data Exchange - Discover the World's Health Data

Downloading Data

In most cases, data files are available for download directly from GHDx catalog records in the "Files" tab.

GHDx record Files tab

In cases where files are too large or numerous to add to the GHDx catalog record, they are uploaded to an IHME cloud folder. These folders are accessible from a "Get data files" link included at the end of the summary in the record's "General Info" tab.

Record summary Get Data Files link

These records are primarily for data produced by IHME and can be found at IHME Data and select child pages such as GBD 2019 and US Data.

IHME Data menu item and subitems

You must register and sign in to access data. You can register or sign in at this address. (Please be aware of our terms and conditions and free non-commercial user agreement.)

If you are not signed in, a registration/sign in pop-up will appear. You can register or sign in from links in this pop-up.

IHME data registration pop-up

If you experience issues registering, signing in, or downloading data after you have registered and signed in, please contact us at [email protected].