NavGeneral InfoEmail Print Original or alternative title Enquête socio-anthropologique sur la fécondité et la mortalité infantile et maternelle (ESAFEM) Geography Benin (BEN) Coverage type Country Time period covered 11/2000 - 11/2000 Data type Survey: HouseholdIndividualInterview Summary The Benin Socio-Anthropological Survey on Fertility and Infant and Maternal Mortality (EASFEM) was conducted as part of a larger Study on Regional Disparities in Fertility and Child and Maternal Mortality (EDRMIM). The EASFEM survey included both a household and individual questionnaire and a total of 3000 women between the ages of 15 and 45-years-old were enumerated. Sampling was done with a total of 6 strata and 120 clusters (20 clusters per strata). Data collection was disrupted due to limited financial resources and other issues such as lack of transportation. Keywords Cooking fuels, Education, Family composition, Family size, Female circumcision, Food, Infant mortality, International migration, Living conditions, Marital status, Maternal mortality, Religion, Sanitation Citation Contributors National Institute of Statistics and Economic Analysis (INSAE) (Benin) Ministry of Planning and Development (Benin) Suggested citation Ministry of Planning and Development (Benin), National Institute of Statistics and Economic Analysis (INSAE) (Benin). Benin Socio-Anthropological Survey on Fertility and Infant and Maternal Mortality 2000. GHDx Entry last modified on: Sep 6, 2023