Global Burden of Disease Study 2023 (GBD 2023) Data Resources
This page provides links to data, data visualizations, a sources tool, and other resources from the most recent update to the Global Burden of Disease Study (GBD).
Resources from earlier GBD rounds are available at the following links:
Data visualizations
Use these visualizations to interact with the latest GBD estimates, comparing causes, injuries, and risks across time, age, and place.
GBD Results
Search and download GBD 2021 estimates with the GBD Results tool.
GBD Sources Tool
Explore GBD 2023 input data sources and retrieve relevant metadata about them with the GBD Sources Tool.
GBD 2021 Data and Tools Overview
Download a guide to GBD results and suite of web‐based tools that provides an overview of what data users can expect to view and download from each tool, and more.
Access the code used to generate the GBD results.
Country profiles
Get a snapshot of the health landscape of each GBD country with country profiles. They are a printable quick reference designed with the casual reader in mind.
Methods appendices
Access detailed methodological information for each cause, impairment, or risk factor with these appendices.
Results data available upon request
- Risk factor exposure
- By sequelae: YLDs, prevalence, incidence
Send requests to [email protected].
Terms and Conditions of Data Use:
Data made available for download on IHME Websites can be used, shared, modified or built upon by non-commercial users in accordance with the IHME FREE-OF-CHARGE NON-COMMERCIAL USER AGREEMENT. For more information (and inquiries about commercial use), visit IHME