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Dataset Records for Stillbirths

Displaying 1951 - 2000 of 6384

Brazil National Household Sample Survey 2011

Pesquisa Nacional por Amostra de Domicilios (PNAD) 2011
Survey: Cross-sectional - Household - Individual - Nationally representative - Urban-rural representative - Subnationally representative

Nepal Demographic and Health Survey 2011

Survey: Cross-sectional - GPS coordinates (GIS) - Household - Individual - Interview - Nationally representative - Subnationally representative - Urban-rural representative

Cameroon Demographic and Health Survey 2011

Enquête Démographique et de santé et à Indicateurs Multiples (EDS-MICS) 2011
Survey: Cross-sectional - GPS coordinates (GIS) - Household - Individual - Interview - Nationally representative - Subnationally representative - Urban-rural representative

Montenegro Statistical Yearbook 2016

Statistički Godišnjak 2016
Report: Epi surveillance - Subnationally representative - Urban-rural representative - Nationally representative

Angola Malaria Indicator Survey 2011

Angola Inquérito de Indicadores de Malária 2011
Survey: Cross-sectional - GPS coordinates (GIS) - Household - Individual - Interview - Nationally representative - Urban-rural representative
