Global Health Data Exchange - Discover the World's Health Data

Marital status

Dataset Records for Marital status

Displaying 2901 - 2950 of 13415

Mauritania World Poll 2015

Gallup World Poll
Survey: Cross-sectional - Individual - Interview - Subnationally representative

Philippines World Poll 2015

Gallup World Poll
Survey: Cross-sectional - Individual - Interview - Subnationally representative

Sweden World Poll 2015

Gallup World Poll
Survey: Cross-sectional - Individual - Interview - Subnationally representative

Switzerland World Poll 2015

Gallup World Poll
Survey: Cross-sectional - Individual - Interview - Subnationally representative

Portugal World Poll 2015

Gallup World Poll
Survey: Cross-sectional - Individual - Interview - Subnationally representative

Burkina Faso World Poll 2015

Gallup World Poll
Survey: Cross-sectional - Individual - Interview - Subnationally representative

Thailand World Poll 2015

Gallup World Poll
Survey: Cross-sectional - Individual - Interview - Subnationally representative

Australia World Poll 2015

Gallup World Poll
Survey: Cross-sectional - Individual - Interview - Subnationally representative

France World Poll 2015

Gallup World Poll
Survey: Cross-sectional - Individual - Interview - Subnationally representative

Norway World Poll 2015

Gallup World Poll
Survey: Cross-sectional - Individual - Interview - Subnationally representative

Vietnam World Poll 2015

Gallup World Poll
Survey: Cross-sectional - Individual - Interview - Subnationally representative

Bangladesh World Poll 2015

Gallup World Poll
Survey: Cross-sectional - Individual - Interview - Subnationally representative

Luxembourg World Poll 2015

Gallup World Poll
Survey: Cross-sectional - Individual - Interview - Subnationally representative

Italy World Poll 2015

Gallup World Poll
Survey: Cross-sectional - Individual - Interview - Subnationally representative

Belgium World Poll 2015

Gallup World Poll
Survey: Cross-sectional - Individual - Interview - Subnationally representative

Malawi World Poll 2015

Gallup World Poll
Survey: Cross-sectional - Individual - Interview - Subnationally representative

Malta World Poll 2015

Gallup World Poll
Survey: Cross-sectional - Individual - Interview - Subnationally representative

Uganda National Panel Survey 2015-2016

UNPS 2015-2016, Year 5 / Uganda Living Standards Measurement Survey - Integrated Survey on Agriculture (LSMS-ISA) 2015-2016 / UNPS Wave 5
Survey: Community - GPS coordinates (GIS) - Household - Individual - Interview - Longitudinal
