Global Health Data Exchange - Discover the World's Health Data

Series and Systems

Survey families or dataset series are data collection efforts that occurred over a period of time or in several geographic locations, using the same or very similar data collection methodology and instruments. Series may be multinational -- collected in more than one country -- or in a single country. Usually all the datasets in the series are collected with the support of the same institution or institutions, but individual surveys or datasets may have the support or assistance of additional parties. The advantage of series from a research perspective is that often data from a series are more easily comparable than data from a variety of sources.

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The Taiwan Cancer Registry began in 1979. It is population-based and focuses on collecting and disseminating information about cancer incidence in Taiwan, as well as cancer control and prevention.
SEBAS comprises a nationally representative longitudinal survey of Taiwanese adults age 54 and over.
The HIV and Syphilis Sero-Serveillance Survey collected data from antenatal clinics in Tanzania on sero-prevalence, trends, and factors associated with infection.
The Ministry of Public Health releases this report annually. It contains data on population, live births, deaths, and health care resources.
Thailand Vital Registration - Deaths includes deaths data from Thailand's vital registration system.