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Uruguay Nutrition, Child Development, and Health Survey

Alternate title 
Encuesta de Nutrición, Desarrollo Infantil y Salud (ENDIS)
Series type 
Longitudinal survey
Time period 
2013 - present

The Uruguay Nutrition, Child Development, and Health Survey (ENDIS) was carried out in a cooperation agreement between the Uruguay Office of Planning and Budget, the National Institute of Statistics and the Uruguay University of the Republic. The purpose of this survey is to gather information on the longitudinal situation of early childhood in Uruguay.

The survey gathers information on socioeconomic and demographic characteristics of households, access to social benefits, food security, nutritional status through anthropometry, breastfeeding and child feeding practices, assessment of child development, parenting practices in the home, women's health, and sexual and reproductive health, and access to health and education services. The field work included: i) a survey questionnaire; ii) the taking of anthropometric measurements of children, and iii) measurements of various instruments to evaluate child development.

The first group of households (2013 Cohort) were interviewed in 3 rounds. Round 1 were interviewed in 2013, Round 2 in 2015, and Round 3 in 2019.  In 2018, the second cohort (2018 Cohort) was made consisting of a new group of households. The 2018 Cohort is intended to be a direct comparison with the 2013 Cohort.

Uruguay Nutrition, Child Development, and Health Survey Dataset Records

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