NavGeneral InfoEmail Print Provider Truth Tobacco Industry Documents, UCSF LibraryTabulations only Geography Albania (ALB) Algeria (DZA) Argentina (ARG) Armenia (ARM) Australia (AUS) Austria (AUT) Bahrain (BHR) Barbados (BRB) Belgium (BEL) Botswana (BWA) Brazil (BRA) Brunei Darussalam (BRN) Bulgaria (BGR) Burkina Faso (BFA) Burundi (BDI) Cameroon (CMR) Canada (CAN) China (CHN) Colombia (COL) Costa Rica (CRI) Croatia (HRV) Cyprus (CYP) Czechia (CZE) Côte d'Ivoire (CIV) Denmark (DNK) Ecuador (ECU) Egypt (EGY) El Salvador (SLV) Estonia (EST) Fiji (FJI) Åland Islands France (FRA) Germany (DEU) Ghana (GHA) Greece (GRC) Guatemala (GTM) Guyana (GUY) Hungary (HUN) Iceland (ISL) India (IND) Indonesia (IDN) Ireland (IRL) Italy (ITA) Jamaica (JAM) Japan (JPN) Kenya (KEN) Kuwait (KWT) Latvia (LVA) Lesotho (LSO) Liberia (LBR) Lithuania (LTU) Luxembourg (LUX) Madagascar (MDG) Malawi (MWI) Malaysia (MYS) Mali (MLI) Malta (MLT) Mauritius (MUS) Morocco (MAR) Myanmar (MMR) Namibia (NAM) Nepal (NPL) Netherlands (NLD) New Zealand (NZL) Nigeria (NGA) Norway (NOR) Oman (OMN) Pakistan (PAK) Panama (PAN) Philippines (PHL) Poland (POL) Portugal (PRT) Região Autónoma dos Açores Qatar (QAT) Romania (ROU) Russian Federation (RUS) Senegal (SEN) Sierra Leone (SLE) Singapore (SGP) Slovakia (SVK) Slovenia (SVN) South Africa (ZAF) Republic of Korea (KOR) Spain (ESP) Sri Lanka (LKA) Sudan [Historical] (SDN) (South Sudan, Sudan) Suriname (SUR) Eswatini (SWZ) Sweden (SWE) Switzerland (CHE) Taiwan (Province of China) (TWN) United Republic of Tanzania (TZA) Thailand (THA) Togo (TGO) Trinidad and Tobago (TTO) Tunisia (TUN) Uganda (UGA) Ukraine (UKR) United Arab Emirates (ARE) United Kingdom (GBR) Hong Kong United States of America (USA) Uruguay (URY) Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) (VEN) Viet Nam (VNM) Yugoslavia [historical] (YUG) (Kosovo, Serbia, Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, North Macedonia) Democratic Republic of the Congo (COD) Zambia (ZMB) Zimbabwe (ZWE) Finland (FIN) View all Coverage type Global Time period covered 01/1993 - 12/1994 Data type Report Summary This guide compiles global fiscal information, current at the time of publication, about tobacco (primarily cigarettes, but also cigars and other tobacco products for select countries). Fiscal information covered, for each country, includes retail prices, tax rates, tax burden, trades margins, and government revenue from tobacco for the current or previous year. The guide also includes, for select countries, tobacco revenue for the previous five years, and historical prices and tax rates (years are variable). The information has been collected from publicly available sources: primarily national customs offices, state finance ministries or national treasury offices. Keywords Legislation, Prices, Taxes, Tobacco Citation Contributors International Tobacco Documentation Centre Publisher International Tobacco Documentation Centre Publication year 1994 Suggested citation International Tobacco Documentation Centre. World Taxation and Price Guide 1994. Brentford, United Kingdom: International Tobacco Documentation Centre, 1994. GHDx Entry last modified on: Jan 3, 2024