NavGeneral InfoEmail Print Geography Australia (AUS) Belgium (BEL) Brazil (BRA) São Paulo Bulgaria (BGR) China (CHN) Colombia (COL) France (FRA) Germany (DEU) Iraq (IRQ) Israel (ISR) Italy (ITA) Japan (JPN) Lebanon (LBN) Mexico (MEX) Netherlands (NLD) New Zealand (NZL) Nigeria (NGA) Peru (PER) Poland (POL) Portugal (PRT) Romania (ROU) South Africa (ZAF) Spain (ESP) Murcia Ukraine (UKR) United Kingdom (GBR) Northern Ireland United States of America (USA) View all Coverage type Global Time period covered 01/2001 - 12/2012 Series or system World Mental Health Survey Initiative Data type Survey Keywords Alcohol use, Alcohol use disorders Citation Contributors World Health Organization (WHO) Suggested citation World Health Organization (WHO). WHO World Mental Health Survey Prevalence of Alcohol Use, Abuse, and Dependence Tabulations. GHDx Entry last modified on: Jul 22, 2021