NavGeneral InfoEmail Print Original or alternative title WHO’s Global Tuberculosis (TB) Database Provider World Health Organization (WHO)Tabulations only Geography Afghanistan (AFG) Albania (ALB) Algeria (DZA) Andorra (AND) Angola (AGO) Antigua and Barbuda (ATG) Argentina (ARG) Armenia (ARM) Australia (AUS) Austria (AUT) Azerbaijan (AZE) Bahamas (BHS) Bahrain (BHR) Bangladesh (BGD) Barbados (BRB) Belarus (BLR) Belgium (BEL) Belize (BLZ) Benin (BEN) Bhutan (BTN) Bolivia (BOL) Bosnia and Herzegovina (BIH) Botswana (BWA) Brazil (BRA) Brunei Darussalam (BRN) Bulgaria (BGR) Burkina Faso (BFA) Burundi (BDI) Cabo Verde (CPV) Cambodia (KHM) Cameroon (CMR) Canada (CAN) Central African Republic (CAF) Chad (TCD) Chile (CHL) China (CHN) Hong Kong, Macao Colombia (COL) Comoros (COM) Congo (COG) Costa Rica (CRI) Croatia (HRV) Cuba (CUB) Cyprus (CYP) Czechia (CZE) Côte d'Ivoire (CIV) Democratic People's Republic of Korea (PRK) Democratic Republic of the Congo (COD) Denmark (DNK) Djibouti (DJI) Dominica (DMA) Dominican Republic (DOM) Ecuador (ECU) Egypt (EGY) El Salvador (SLV) Equatorial Guinea (GNQ) Eritrea (ERI) Estonia (EST) Eswatini (SWZ) Ethiopia (ETH) Fiji (FJI) Finland (FIN) France (FRA) French Polynesia, New Caledonia, Wallis and Futuna Gabon (GAB) Gambia (GMB) Georgia (GEO) Germany (DEU) Ghana (GHA) Global Greece (GRC) Greenland (GRL) Grenada (GRD) Guatemala (GTM) Guinea (GIN) Guinea-Bissau (GNB) Guyana (GUY) Haiti (HTI) Honduras (HND) Hungary (HUN) Iceland (ISL) India (IND) Indonesia (IDN) Iran (Islamic Republic of) (IRN) Iraq (IRQ) Ireland (IRL) Israel (ISR) Italy (ITA) Jamaica (JAM) Japan (JPN) Jordan (JOR) Kazakhstan (KAZ) Kenya (KEN) Kiribati (KIR) Kuwait (KWT) Kyrgyzstan (KGZ) Lao People's Democratic Republic (LAO) Latvia (LVA) Lebanon (LBN) Lesotho (LSO) Liberia (LBR) Libya (LBY) Lithuania (LTU) Luxembourg (LUX) Madagascar (MDG) Malawi (MWI) Malaysia (MYS) Maldives (MDV) Mali (MLI) Malta (MLT) Marshall Islands (MHL) Mauritania (MRT) Mauritius (MUS) Mexico (MEX) Micronesia (Federated States of) (FSM) Monaco (MCO) Mongolia (MNG) Montenegro (MNE) Montserrat Morocco (MAR) Mozambique (MOZ) Myanmar (MMR) Namibia (NAM) Nauru (NRU) Nepal (NPL) Netherlands (NLD) Netherlands Antilles, Sint Maarten New Zealand (NZL) Tokelau Nicaragua (NIC) Niger (NER) Nigeria (NGA) Niue (NIU) North Macedonia (MKD) Norway (NOR) Oman (OMN) Pakistan (PAK) Palau (PLW) Palestine (PSE) Panama (PAN) Papua New Guinea (PNG) Paraguay (PRY) Peru (PER) Philippines (PHL) Poland (POL) Portugal (PRT) Macao [Historical] Qatar (QAT) Republic of Korea (KOR) Republic of Moldova (MDA) Romania (ROU) Russian Federation (RUS) Rwanda (RWA) Saint Kitts and Nevis (KNA) Saint Lucia (LCA) Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (VCT) Samoa (WSM) San Marino (SMR) Sao Tome and Principe (STP) Saudi Arabia (SAU) Senegal (SEN) Serbia (SRB) Serbia and Montenegro [historical] (SCG) (Serbia, Montenegro) Seychelles (SYC) Sierra Leone (SLE) Singapore (SGP) Slovakia (SVK) Slovenia (SVN) Solomon Islands (SLB) Somalia (SOM) South Africa (ZAF) South Sudan (SSD) Spain (ESP) Sri Lanka (LKA) Sudan (SDN) Sudan [Historical] (SDN) (South Sudan, Sudan) Suriname (SUR) Sweden (SWE) Switzerland (CHE) Syrian Arab Republic (SYR) Tajikistan (TJK) Thailand (THA) Timor-Leste (TLS) Togo (TGO) Tonga (TON) Trinidad and Tobago (TTO) Tunisia (TUN) Turkmenistan (TKM) Tuvalu (TUV) Türkiye (TUR) Uganda (UGA) Ukraine (UKR) United Arab Emirates (ARE) United Kingdom (GBR) Bermuda, Turks and Caicos Islands United Republic of Tanzania (TZA) United States of America (USA) Northern Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico Uruguay (URY) Uzbekistan (UZB) Vanuatu (VUT) Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) (VEN) Viet Nam (VNM) Yemen (YEM) Zambia (ZMB) Zimbabwe (ZWE) View all Coverage type Global Time period covered 01/1980 - present Data type Epi surveillance Keywords Tuberculosis Citation Contributors World Health Organization (WHO) Publisher World Health Organization (WHO) Suggested citation World Health Organization (WHO). WHO Tuberculosis Case Notifications. Geneva, Switzerland: World Health Organization (WHO). GHDx Entry last modified on: Nov 4, 2024