NavGeneral InfoEmail Print Provider World Health Organization (WHO)Tabulations only Geography Afghanistan (AFG) Algeria (DZA) Angola (AGO) Antigua and Barbuda (ATG) Argentina (ARG) Armenia (ARM) Azerbaijan (AZE) Bangladesh (BGD) Belarus (BLR) Belize (BLZ) Benin (BEN) Bhutan (BTN) Bolivia (BOL) Bosnia and Herzegovina (BIH) Botswana (BWA) Brazil (BRA) Burkina Faso (BFA) Burundi (BDI) Cabo Verde (CPV) Cambodia (KHM) Cameroon (CMR) Central African Republic (CAF) Chad (TCD) China (CHN) Colombia (COL) Comoros (COM) Congo (COG) Costa Rica (CRI) Croatia (HRV) Cuba (CUB) Czechia (CZE) Côte d'Ivoire (CIV) Democratic Republic of the Congo (COD) Djibouti (DJI) Dominican Republic (DOM) Ecuador (ECU) Egypt (EGY) El Salvador (SLV) Eritrea (ERI) Estonia (EST) Eswatini (SWZ) Ethiopia (ETH) Fiji (FJI) Gabon (GAB) Gambia (GMB) Georgia (GEO) Ghana (GHA) Guatemala (GTM) Guinea (GIN) Guinea-Bissau (GNB) Guyana (GUY) Haiti (HTI) Honduras (HND) India (IND) Indonesia (IDN) Iran (Islamic Republic of) (IRN) Iraq (IRQ) Jamaica (JAM) Jordan (JOR) Kazakhstan (KAZ) Kenya (KEN) Kyrgyzstan (KGZ) Lao People's Democratic Republic (LAO) Latvia (LVA) Lebanon (LBN) Lesotho (LSO) Liberia (LBR) Libya (LBY) Madagascar (MDG) Malawi (MWI) Malaysia (MYS) Maldives (MDV) Mali (MLI) Marshall Islands (MHL) Mauritania (MRT) Mauritius (MUS) Mexico (MEX) Micronesia (Federated States of) (FSM) Mongolia (MNG) Montenegro (MNE) Morocco (MAR) Mozambique (MOZ) Myanmar (MMR) Namibia (NAM) Nauru (NRU) Nepal (NPL) New Zealand (NZL) Cook Islands, Tokelau Nicaragua (NIC) Niger (NER) Nigeria (NGA) Niue (NIU) North Macedonia (MKD) Pakistan (PAK) Palau (PLW) Palestine (PSE) Panama (PAN) Papua New Guinea (PNG) Paraguay (PRY) Peru (PER) Philippines (PHL) Qatar (QAT) Republic of Korea (KOR) Republic of Moldova (MDA) Romania (ROU) Russian Federation (RUS) Rwanda (RWA) Saint Lucia (LCA) Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (VCT) Samoa (WSM) Senegal (SEN) Serbia (SRB) Seychelles (SYC) Sierra Leone (SLE) Slovakia (SVK) Slovenia (SVN) Solomon Islands (SLB) Somalia (SOM) South Africa (ZAF) Spain (ESP) Sri Lanka (LKA) Sudan [Historical] (SDN) (South Sudan, Sudan) Syrian Arab Republic (SYR) Tajikistan (TJK) Thailand (THA) Togo (TGO) Tonga (TON) Trinidad and Tobago (TTO) Tunisia (TUN) Turkmenistan (TKM) Tuvalu (TUV) Türkiye (TUR) Uganda (UGA) Ukraine (UKR) United Arab Emirates (ARE) United Republic of Tanzania (TZA) Uruguay (URY) Uzbekistan (UZB) Vanuatu (VUT) Viet Nam (VNM) Yemen (YEM) Zambia (ZMB) Zimbabwe (ZWE) View all Coverage type Global Time period covered 01/1974 - 12/2008 Series or system WHO Household Energy Database Data type Survey Summary The WHO Household Energy Database contains information on household energy for cooking and cooking stoves covering 143 countries for the years 1974-2008. The information in this database reports responses to questions from nationally representative surveys on the primary cooking fuel in each household interviewed. A subset of the available surveys also include questions on stove type, cooking exhaust, and cooking location. Solid fuels comprise wood, charcoal, agricultural residues, dung, and coal. Full datasets are available upon request. Keywords Cooking fuels, Electricity, Household air pollution Citation Contributors World Health Organization (WHO) Publisher World Health Organization (WHO) Publication year 2010 Suggested citation World Health Organization (WHO). WHO Household Energy Database 1974-2008. Geneva, Switzerland: World Health Organization (WHO), 2010. GHDx Entry last modified on: Nov 11, 2024