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United States Virgin Islands Population and Housing Census 2010


General Info
United States Virgin Islands
Coverage type 
Time period covered 
04/2010 - 04/2010
Series or system 
United States Population and Housing Census
Data type
  • De jure
  • Household
  • Interview
  • Urban-rural representative

The 2010 Virgin Islands Population and Housing Census was conducted as part of the United States Decennial Census, in cooperation with the island areas governments. The 2010 Census of the Pacific Island Areas operated on a different timeline than that of the states. Fieldwork was undertaken by local census offices, and overseen by the Census Bureau. During the data collection period, residents of the island areas either completed self-administer questionnaires, or were interviewed by enumerators. A feature specific to the census of the Pacific Island Areas was the completion of long-form questionnaires only, whereas the stateside census used only the short-form. Edits made to the form for the island areas included languages spoken in a household, wording of questions on U.S. Citizenship and birth place, and the receipt of Supplemental Security Income being added to the question on Public Social Assistance or Welfare. The total enumerated population of the Virgin Islands in 2010 was 106,405.