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United States NVSS Mortality Data 1967 - NBER


General Info
Original or alternative title 
United States Mortality Data -- Vital Statistics NCHS' Multiple Cause of Death Data
Coverage type 
Time period covered 
01/1967 - 12/1967
Data type
Vital registration:
  • Nationally representative
  • Subnationally representative

These data are from the same source as the United States National Vital Statistics System (NVSS) Mortality Data, but they are distributed on the NBER website for additional years and in a different format than what is found on the NCHS website. The quality of the data from 1967 and prior cannot be guaranteed by NCHS authorities.

As with the mortality data published by NCHS, the NBER datasets contain demographic, geographic, and cause of death data. Data are available for a wide time period and smaller geographic regions within the United States, allowing analysis of cause of death, life expectancy, and mortality among regions.

The data follows the International Classification of Disease (ICD) rules established by the World Health Organization. Standardization using the ICD rules allows for comparison to mortality reports from different countries.
