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United Kingdom Health Survey for England 2007-2008 - HSCIC


General Info
Coverage type 
Time period covered 
01/2007 - 04/2008
Series or system 
United Kingdom Health Survey for England (HSE)
Data type
  • Household
  • Individual
  • Interview

The Health Survey for England (HSE) 2007 was the seventeenth in the series of annual surveys conducted in private households since 1994. The primary focus of the 2007 survey was knowledge and attitudes about lifestyle: smoking, drinking, and physical activity. Additional topics of focus were childhood obesity, health risk factors for children, and the impact of smoke free legislation that went into effect in July 2007 and banned smoking in enclosed public places and workplaces.  

The questionnaire included modules on general health, alcohol consumption, smoking, and fruit and vegetable consumption. The survey also provided the following objective measures of health: blood pressure, anthropometric measurements, and analysis of saliva and urine samples.

Out of a sample of 7,200 households, a total of 6,882 adults and 7,504 children (ages 2-15) were interviewed. Nurse visits were conducted among 4,998 adults and 1,233 children to collect the measurements and ask additional questions.