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United Kingdom British Household Panel Survey 1996-1997


General Info
England, Scotland, Wales
Coverage type 
Time period covered 
08/1996 - 04/1997
Series or system 
United Kingdom - British Household Panel Survey
Data type
  • Household
  • Individual
  • Interview
  • Longitudinal

The BHPS, also known as the Living in Britain Survey, was an annual, nationally representative panel study. Data was collected through household and individual questionnaires, a self-completion questionnaire on opinions of various subjects, a proxy questionnaire for household members away from home, and a young persons questionnaire for those ages 11-15. Core questionnaire modules, included in most years of the survey, were on topics of household demographics, housing, health, employment, income, household expenditures, finances, and values and opinions. Rotating core modules were included with less frequency and variable modules were used occasionally to collect information that does not change significantly from year to year. For this sixth wave of the survey the variable module was on ownership and usage of computers. In 2009 the BHPS was subsumed into a new longitudinal study called Understanding Society or the United Kingdom Household Longitudinal Study (UKHLS).