NavGeneral InfoEmail Print Provider Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) Geography United Republic of Tanzania (TZA) Kigoma Coverage type Subnational Time period covered 04/2016 - 07/2016 Series or system Tanzania - Kigoma Reducing Maternal Mortality Project Data type Survey: Cross-sectionalHealth facilityIndividualInterviewOutpatient Summary The CDC's Division of Reproductive Health monitors and evaluates activities of the Reducing Maternal Mortality in Tanzania Project in the remote Kigoma region of western Tanzania. The Kigoma Client and Provider Experiences Survey 2016 grew out of the project. This cross-sectional survey collected data from facility-based client exit interviews and provider interviews from 61 healthcare facilities in Kigoma. The survey was administered from April 30-July 1, 2016. In total, 2155 female clients and 358 providers were surveyed. Topics of inquiry included client satisfaction and use of services, obstacles to care, client preferences, provider skills and training, and provider perceptions of services and environment. Results of the survey are reported in "Client and Provider Experiences with Facility-Based Delivery, Post-Abortion, and Family Planning Care Services in Kigoma Region, Tanzania: April-July, 2016." Keywords Abortion, Abortive outcome, Antenatal care, Assets, Birth control pills, Breastfeeding, Caesarean section, Child mortality, Condoms, Contraceptive implants, Contraceptives, Cooking fuels, Eclampsia, Ectopic pregnancy, Education, Electricity, Family planning, Health care access, Health care costs, Health care personnel, Health care prices, Health facilities, Health facility conditions, Health literacy, Health promotion, Hospitals, Household air pollution, Housing conditions, Housing materials, IUDs, Immunization, Infant mortality, Injectable contraceptives, Lighting, Literacy, Live births, Marital status, Mass media, Maternal health, Maternal hemorrhage, Maternal sepsis, Miscarriage, Mortality, Obstructed labor, Personal health expenditures, Pharmacists, Physicians, Place of delivery, Postnatal care, Postpartum amenorrhea, Pregnancy, Refrigeration, Religion, Sanitation, Sexual abstinence, Sexual sterilization, Skilled birth attendants, Stillbirths, Summary birth history, Telephones, Traditional birth control, Transportation, VCT Citation Contributors Division of Reproductive Health, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Funders Bloomberg Philanthropies Fondation H&B Agerup Suggested citation Division of Reproductive Health, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Tanzania - Kigoma Client and Provider Experiences Survey 2016. Files (1) Public files FileSize Survey Report8.62 MB Need help downloading files? GHDx Entry last modified on: Aug 5, 2021