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Tanzania Demographic and Health Survey 2022


General Info
Original or alternative title 
Tanzania Demographic and Health Survey and Malaria Indicator Survey (TDHS-MIS) 2022
Coverage type 
Time period covered 
02/2022 - 07/2022
Series or system 
DHS Program Surveys
Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS)
Data type
  • Cross-sectional
  • GPS coordinates (GIS)
  • Household
  • Individual
  • Interview
  • Nationally representative
  • Subnationally representative
  • Urban-rural representative

The Tanzania Demographic and Health Survey (DHS) 2022, also known as the Tanzania Demographic and Health Survey and Malaria Indicator Survey (TDHS-MIS), is part of phase eight of the Demographic and Health Survey series. Topics commonly covered in DHS include: child and maternal health, family planning, nutrition, health behavior and knowledge, health care access and use, and immunization. For the 2022 Tanzania DHS, 15,254 women and 5,763 men ages 15-49 were successfully interviewed from 15,705 households. Anthropometry measurements, blood pressure, blood smear and finger/heel prick blood samples, and urine tests were conducted for the presence of malaria, anemia, and iodine deficiency in a sub-sample of respondents.

Abortion, Abortive outcome, Adult mortality, Age at first sex, Alcohol use, Alcohol use disorders, Analgesics, Anemia, Antenatal care, Anthropometry, Antibiotics, Antihelminthics, Antihypertensive drugs, Antimalarials, Antiretroviral therapy, Assets, Autism, BCG vaccines, Birth certificates, Birth control pills, Birth weight, Blood pressure, Blood tests, Breastfeeding, Breathing difficulty, Child anthropometry, Child development, Child mortality, Circumcision, Cleft lip and cleft palate, Complete birth history, Condoms, Congenital anomalies, Congestion, Contraceptive implants, Cooking fuels, Corrective lenses, Cough, Dairy products, Diarrhea, Disability, Domestic migration, Domestic violence, Education, Electricity, Emergency contraception, Employment, Family composition, Family planning, Female circumcision, Fever, Fish, Fruits, Fruits and vegetables, HIV and AIDS, Health care access, Health care personnel, Health insurance, Health literacy, Health promotion, Hearing aids, Hearing loss, Height, Hemoglobin, Household air pollution, Household water treatment, Housing conditions, Hygiene, Hypertension, IUDs, Infant mortality, Injectable contraceptives, Insecticide-treated bednets, International migration, Internet, Interpersonal violence, Intimate partner violence, Iodine supplements, Iron supplements, Jaundice, Land ownership, Languages, Limited mobility, Literacy, Livestock, Malaria, Marital status, Mass media, Maternal anthropometry, Maternal mortality, Measles vaccines, Meat, Medicines, Menstruation, Mental health symptoms, Micronutrient supplements, Miscarriage, Mortality, Multiple births, Occupations, Oral rehydration therapy, PMTCT, Parental survival, Pentavalent vaccines, Physical activity, Pneumococcal vaccines, Polio vaccines, Postnatal care, Pregnancy, Processed foods, Processed meats, Psoriasis, Public social assistance, Refrigeration, Religion, Reproductive and sexual risk factors, Rotavirus vaccines, STDs, Sanitation, Secondhand smoke, Seizures, Sensory aids, Sexual behavior, Sexual sterilization, Sexual violence, Smokeless tobacco use, Starchy vegetables, Stillbirths, Sugar-sweetened beverages, Summary birth history, Survival, Telephones, Tetanus toxoid vaccines, Tobacco smoking, Traditional birth control, Traditional medicine, Transportation, Tuberculosis, Unemployment, Unprocessed red meat, Urine tests, VCT, Vaccination cards, Vegetables, Vision loss, Vitamin A supplements, Water supply, Weight, Complete sibling history