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Switzerland Federal Population Census 2000


General Info
Original or alternative title 
Eidgenössische Volkszählung 2000
Coverage type 
Time period covered 
12/2000 - 12/2000
Data type
  • De facto
  • Nationally representative
  • Subnationally representative

Censuses provide population numbers, household or family size and composition, and information on sex and age distribution. They often include other demographic, economic and health-related topics as well. The 2000 Switzerland de facto census, known alternately as Eidgenössische Volkszählung and Recensement fédéral de la population, collected data through face-to-face interviews and self-enumeration on the subjects of housing, household demographics, employment, and education. Respondents filled out person, household, and building questionnaires. The census day was December 5, 2000.
