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Susceptibility of Plasmodium Falciparum to Antimalarial Drugs: Report on Global Monitoring 1996-2004


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Coverage type 
Time period covered 
01/1996 - 12/2004
Data type
  • Epi surveillance

The Susceptibility of Plasmodium Falciparum to Antimalarial Drugs: Report on Global Monitoring 1996-2004 presents an overview of antimalarial drug efficacy for more than 60 countries during 1996-2004. The report also discusses drug efficacy monitoring criteria and how therapeutic efficacy tests can help inform national malaria treatment policies. Data in the report come from the WHO global antimalarial drug efficacy database, which collects data from three main sources: published data obtained from other databases, unpublished data obtained from reports by ministries of health and other governmental organizations, and raw data from surveillance studies conducted following WHO Guidelines. The report includes figures with treatment failure and success rates aggregated by WHO region and subregion. An annex with a summary of results for the efficacy of antimalarial drugs is also included.