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Sri Lanka Millennium Development Goals Indicators Review 2008


General Info
Original or alternative title 
MDG Indicators of Sri Lanka: A Mid-Term Review 2008
Sri Lanka (LKA)
Coverage type 
Time period covered 
01/1990 - 12/2007
Data type
  • Nationally representative
  • Subnationally representative

This report documents Sri Lanka's advances toward achieving the United Nation's Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), established in 2000 and intended to be accomplished by 2015. The information used to evaluate progress on the MDG indicators the indicators was collected from a special MDG Indicator Survey conducted in 2006-2007, other surveys of the Department of Census and Statistics (the School Census, the Quarterly Labour Force Survey) and from a number of other government institutions. Data sources are listed for each indicator. The 2006-2007 special household survey featured questions designed to gauge literacy, the education level of children ages 5-14, HIV/AIDS awareness and health literacy, and access to basic amenities. This report includes progress indicators at the subnational as well as national level. The report annex includes the list of MDG indicators and definitions.