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Somalia Nutritional Assessment Study 2007-2010


General Info
Somalia (SOM)
Coverage type 
Time period covered 
01/2007 - 12/2010
Series or system 
Somalia Food Security and Nutrition Analysis Unit
Data type
  • Cross-sectional
  • GPS coordinates (GIS)
  • Household
  • Individual

The purpose of this study was to develop estimates on malnutrition in children ages 6-59 months. The Food Security and Nutritional Analysis Unit (FSNAU) conducted cross-sectional biannual surveys during April-June and October-November from 2007 to 2010. A two-stage cluster sampling design was used to select eligible children from households across three livelihood zones (pastoral, agro-pastoral and riverine) in randomly selected villages. Surveys were conducted in all three zones of Somalia, and sample sizes (number of households and number of children) were calculated by Standardized Methodology for Survey in Relief and Transition (SMART) methods. Predictors of three anthropometric measures, weight-for-height (wasting), height-for-age (stunting) and mid-upper arm circumference were investigated.