NavGeneral InfoEmail Print Original or alternative title SLIHS 2018 Provider Statistics Sierra LeoneMicrodata access: Download Geography Sierra Leone (SLE) Coverage type Country Time period covered 01/2018 - 12/2018 Series or system Sierra Leone Integrated Household Survey (SLIHS) Living Standards Measurement Study (LSMS) Living Standards Measurement Study (LSMS) - World Bank Data type Survey: HouseholdIndividualInterviewUrban-rural representative Summary "The Sierra Leone Integrated Household Survey (SLIHS) is Sierra Leone’s Living Standard Measurement Survey (LSMS) or household income and expenditure survey (HIES), which is conducted regularly in order to collect useful socio-economic data to support government planning processes. The 2018 SLIHS data collection covered the period January-December 2018, and it was the third round, which followed the 2011 and 2003 rounds. SLIHS is a multi-topic household survey that collects detailed household incomes and expenditures, which are the ingredient for the monetary poverty assessment and collects information on education, health, employment, housing, and household assets." Keywords Agriculture, Amputation, Anemia, Antenatal care, Anthropometry, Antimalarials, Appendicitis, Appetite loss, Assets, Asthma, BCG vaccines, Back pain, Birth certificates, Birth control pills, Birth place, Birth weight, Breastfeeding, Burns, Child anthropometry, Community health clinics, Condoms, Congenital anomalies, Contraceptives, Cooking fuels, Cough, DTP vaccines, Diarrhea, Disability, Domestic violence, Ebola, Edema, Education, Education access, Education expenditures, Electricity, Employment, Employment benefits, Epilepsy, Falls, Family composition, Family planning, Fever, Fishing, Food expenditures, Gonococcal infections, Headache, Health care expenditures, Health facilities, Health literacy, Hearing loss, Hospitals, Household air pollution, Household expenditures, Household water treatment, Housing conditions, Housing materials, Hypertension, IUDs, Illicit drug use, Immunization, Income, Injectable contraceptives, Injuries, Insecticide-treated bednets, Internet, Intestinal nematode infections, Iron supplements, Ischemic heart disease, Land ownership, Languages, Length of stay, Lighting, Limited mobility, Literacy, Livestock, Loans, Malaria, Marital status, Measles vaccines, Menstruation, Mental and behavioral disorders, Mortality, Nausea, Occupational injuries, Occupations, Pain, Paralysis, Peptic ulcer disease, Personal health expenditures, Pervasive developmental disorders, Pharmacies, Place of delivery, Polio vaccines, Postnatal care, Poverty, Pregnancy, Prices, Private health facilities, Public health facilities, Public social assistance, Religion, Road traffic injuries, Sanitation, Seizures, Sexual abstinence, Sexual sterilization, Sickle cell disorders, Skilled birth attendants, Sore throat, Starchy vegetables, Stillbirths, Stroke, Summary birth history, Telephones, Tetanus toxoid vaccines, Traditional birth control, Traditional medicine, Transportation, Typhoid and paratyphoid fevers, Unintentional injuries, Upper respiratory infections, Vaccination cards, Vision loss, Vomiting, Waste disposal, Water supply, Weight, Whole grains Citation Contributors Statistics Sierra Leone World Bank Government of Sierra Leone Funders World Bank Government of Sierra Leone Suggested citation Government of Sierra Leone, Statistics Sierra Leone, World Bank. Sierra Leone Integrated Household Survey 2018. GHDx Entry last modified on: Aug 13, 2024