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Sierra Leone Demographic and Health Survey 2019


General Info
Coverage type 
Time period covered 
05/2019 - 08/2019
Series or system 
DHS Program Surveys
Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS)
Data type
  • Cross-sectional
  • GPS coordinates (GIS)
  • Household
  • Individual
  • Interview
  • Nationally representative
  • Subnationally representative
  • Urban-rural representative

The 2019 Sierra Leone Demographic and Health Survey (SLDHS) collected information on fertility, awareness and use of family planning methods, breastfeeding practices, nutritional status of women and children, maternal and child health, adult and childhood mortality, women’s empowerment, domestic violence, female genital cutting, prevalence and awareness and behaviour regarding HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmitted infections (STIs), and other health-related issues such as smoking. Five questionnaires were used for the 2019 SLDHS: The Household Questionnaire, the Woman’s Questionnaire, the Man’s Questionnaire, the Biomarker Questionnaire, and the Fieldworker Questionnaire. The 2019 SLDHS incorporated three biomarkers: anthropometry (height and weight), anaemia testing, and HIV testing. Biomarkers were collected in 50% of households selected for the male survey.

Abortion, Abortive outcome, Age at first sex, Agriculture, Alcohol use, Analgesics, Anemia, Antenatal care, Anthropometry, Antibiotics, Antihelminthics, Antimalarials, Assets, BCG vaccines, Birth certificates, Birth control pills, Birth weight, Blood tests, Breastfeeding, Breathing difficulty, Caesarean section, Child anthropometry, Child health care, Child mortality, Circumcision, Community health workers, Complete birth history, Condoms, Contraceptive implants, Contraceptives, Cough, DTP vaccines, Dairy products, Diarrhea, Diet, Dietary sodium, Dietary sugar, Dietary supplements, Domestic migration, Domestic violence, Education, Education access, Electricity, Emergency contraception, Ethnicity, Family composition, Family planning, Female circumcision, Fever, Fish, Fruits and vegetables, HIV and AIDS, Health care access, Health care use, Health facilities, Health insurance, Health literacy, Health status, Height, Hemoglobin, Home care, Household air pollution, Household water treatment, Housing conditions, Hygiene, IUDs, Immunization, Income, Infant mortality, Injectable contraceptives, Insecticide-treated bednets, Intentional injuries, Internet, Intimate partner violence, Iodine supplements, Iron supplements, Land ownership, Lifestyle risk factors, Literacy, Live births, Livestock, Marital status, Marriage age, Mass media, Maternal age, Maternal conditions, Measles vaccines, Meat, Menstruation, Micronutrient supplements, Miscarriage, Multiple births, Occupations, Oral rehydration therapy, PMTCT, Pain, Pain management, Parental survival, Parents, Pentavalent vaccines, Place of death, Pneumococcal vaccines, Polio vaccines, Postnatal care, Postpartum amenorrhea, Pregnancy, Private social assistance, Public social assistance, Refrigeration, Religion, Reproductive and sexual risk factors, Rotavirus vaccines, Sanitation, Secondhand smoke, Sexual behavior, Sexual sterilization, Sexual violence, Siblings, Skilled birth attendants, Smokeless tobacco use, Stillbirths, Sugar-sweetened beverages, Summary birth history, Telephones, Tetanus toxoid vaccines, Tobacco, Tobacco smoking, Traditional birth control, Traditional healers, Traditional medicine, Transportation, Tuberculosis, Unintentional injuries, VCT, Vaccination cards, Vaccine preventable childhood diseases, Violence, Vitamin A supplements, Water supply, Weight, Whole grains, Yellow fever vaccines, Zinc, Complete sibling history