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Karachaliou M, Moncunill G, Espinosa A, Vinyals G, Jiménez A, Vidal M, Santano R, Barrios D, Puyol L, Carreras A, Mayer L, Rubio R, Cortés B, Pleguezuelos V, Gordo C, Fossati S, Rivas I, Casabonne D, Vrijheid M, Izquierdo L, Aguilar R, Basagaña X, Aymerich J, Cid R de, Dobaño C, Kogevinas M. SARS-CoV-2 seroprevalence and characteristics of post-infection immunity in a general population cohort study in Catalonia, Spain. Preprint. Res Sq. 2021.