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Perinatal Health Indicators for Canada 2013: A Report from the Canadian Perinatal Surveillance System


General Info
Original or alternative title 
Indicateurs de la Santé Périnatale Au Canada 2013 Un Rapport du Système Canadien de Surveillance Périnatale
Canada (CAN)
Coverage type 
Time period covered 
01/2000 - 12/2011
Series or system 
Canadian Perinatal Surveillance System
Data type
  • Nationally representative

Perinatal Health Indicators for Canada 2013 presents figures on perinatal health compiled by the Canadian Perinatal Surveillance System (CPSS).

This report includes data from several sources for several time coverages: death database data covers up to 2009, birth and stillbirth data covers up to 2010, Canadian Community Health survey (CCHS) data covers up to 2010, Canadian Institute for Health Information's (CIHI) Discharge Abstract Database (DAD) data covers up to fiscal year 2010/2011, and National Longitudinal Survey of Children and Youth (NLSCY) data covers up to 2008.