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Panama Population and Housing Census 1990 - IPUMS


General Info
Original or alternative title 
Noveno Censo Nacional de Población y Quinto de Vivienda de Panamá 1990
Panama (PAN)
Coverage type 
Time period covered 
05/1990 - 05/1990
Data type
  • De facto
  • Nationally representative
  • Subnationally representative

Censuses provide population numbers, household or family size and composition, and information on sex and age distribution. They often include other demographic, economic and health-related topics as well. The 1990 Panama de facto census collected data through face-to-face interviews on the subjects of housing, household demographics, employment for those 10 and older, education, migration, disability, and fertility for women 15 and older. The census day was May 13, 1990. A 10% sample of households from the census (232,737 individuals) is available through IPUMS International at the University of Minnesota. Dwellings and vacant units are not identified in the sample. Refer to the IPUMS website for guidelines on citing database versions.