NavGeneral InfoEmail Print Geography Oman (OMN) Coverage type Country Time period covered 11/1988 - 02/1989 Series or system Gulf Child Health Survey Data type Survey: Household Summary Part of the Gulf Child Health Survey program conducted in the six Gulf states in the late 80s, this survey included education, fertility, family planning, and maternal and child health. It was conducted by the Ministry of Health in Oman. A report is available through the library system. Keywords Assets, Breastfeeding, Child health care, Child mortality, Complete birth history, Contraceptives, Diarrhea, Education, Electricity, Family planning, Fertility, Health care use, Housing conditions, Housing materials, Immunization, Infant mortality, Live births, Lower respiratory infections, Marital status, Maternal health, Mortality, Oral rehydration therapy, Place of delivery, Pregnancy, Skilled birth attendants, Summary birth history, Waste disposal, Water supply Citation Contributors Ministry of Health (Oman) Suggested citation Ministry of Health (Oman). Oman Child Health Survey 1988-1989. GHDx Entry last modified on: Mar 7, 2022