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Norway Medical Birth Registry - Low Apgar Score, Premature Birth, Transfers to Children's Ward and Low Birth Weight


General Info
Original or alternative title 
Medisinsk Fødselsregister (MFR) - Is6: Lav Apgar score, prematur fødsel, overflyttet barneavdeling og lav fødselsvekt
Norway (NOR)
Coverage type 
Time period covered 
01/1999 - present
Data type
Vital registration:
  • Subnationally representative

The Norwegian Medical Birth Registry (MFR) collects notifications of births and all pregnancies ending after 12 weeks, including abortions. Maternity units report all births electronically to the MFR, and they also provide information about the mother's health before and during pregnancy, birth and pregnancy complications, birth defects and other perinatal problems. Established in 1967, the registry is managed by the Norwegian Institute of Public Health, in affiliation with the University of Bergen.

This table is part of the Institutional Statistics data releases and contains data from maternity units across the country at institutions with ≥ 20 births per year. Data are included on all live births and stillbirths of ≥ 500 grams or ≥ 22 weeks, from 1999 to about one month before publication, and are broken out by institution.