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Northern Marianas Island Vaccination Coverage Survey 2005


General Info
Northern Mariana Islands
Coverage type 
Time period covered 
07/2005 - 07/2005
Data type
  • Cross-sectional
  • Household
  • Interview

This house-to-house survey was conducted to determine vaccinaton coverage in the Northern Mariana Islands. A population-based cluster survey was performed on the island of Saipan, while all households were visited on Rota and Tinian. Vaccination histories and demographic information were collected from household interviews for all children ages 19-35 months, children 6 years of age, and adults ages 65 years and older. In total, 4,108 households were surveyed; 94% proved eligible, and 99% of these participated. Vaccination histories were collected for 295 children ages 19-35 months and 193 children 6 years of age. Hospital and clinic records and an electronic vaccination registyr were were used to supplement child vaccination histories.

Results of this survey are reported in "Vaccination Coverage in the US Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, 2005."