NavGeneral InfoEmail Print Original or alternative title Sistema Estadístico Epidemiológico de las Defunciones (SEED) Geography Mexico (MEX) Coverage type Country Time period covered 01/2005 - 12/2005 Data type Vital registration Summary Founded by the Ministry of Health in 1998, the Epidemiological Statistical Mortality System (SEED) provides preliminary cause of death data for Mexico. The data are based on death certificates and deaths are coded according to ICD-10 standards. The microdata contain the following variables: age, sex, weight, education, health insurance, pregnancy status, and multiple and underlying causes of death. Annual death numbers from SEED can be different than those provided by the National Institue of Statistics and Geography (INEGI), because there are discrepancies in how these organizations receive and report death notifications. SEED results are generally released more quickly than those from INEGI, and they are used internally at the Ministry of Health. Keywords Causes of death, Death certificates, Education, Health insurance, ICD-10, Marital status, Mortality, Occupations, Place of death, Pregnancy, Vital statistics, Weight Citation Contributors Secretariat of Health (Mexico) Suggested citation Secretariat of Health (Mexico). Mexico Epidemiological Statistical Mortality System - Deaths 2005. GHDx Entry last modified on: Jan 28, 2022