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Mauritius Population and Housing Census 2011


General Info
Mauritius (MUS)
Coverage type 
Time period covered 
01/2011 - 08/2011
Data type
  • De jure
  • Household
  • Individual
  • Nationally representative
  • Urban-rural representative

The Mauritius 2011 Population and Housing Census was the eighteenth conducted in the country. Data from households and individuals were collected during two enumeration rounds via face-to-face interviews on demographic, fertility, educational, economic and housing characteristics, as well as on the topics of disability and migration. Fieldwork for the two rounds of the census took place from January 31 to June 19 for the housing portion, and from June 20 to August 31, 2011 for the population round. The census day was July 3, 2011. The country was divided into enumeration areas, with an average of 75 households per area in rural regions, and 90 per area in urban. Individuals were enumerated at their place of usual residence, as with a de jure census, but the questionaire was designed so that tabulations for the de facto population was also possible. Most of the published tables refer to the resident, de jure population. The total resident population for Mauritius in 2011 was enumerated at 1,236,817.