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Maternal and Child Health Statistics: Russian Federation and United States, Selected Years 1985-1995


General Info
Coverage type 
Time period covered 
01/1985 - 12/1995
Series or system 
CDC NCHS Vital and Health Statistics Series
Data type
  • Epi surveillance
  • Urban-rural representative

The report provides comparative information on health statistics for the United States and the Russian Federation for years 1985- 1995. It contains 24 comparative tables on population size, prenatal and obstetrical health, abortions, natality, immunization, breastfeeding practices, mortality including leading causes of death, communicable diseases, and other morbidity measures. Tables are aggregated by patients' age, year, and country. Tables on resident population are aggregated by year, sex, and age. Data for the United States were provided by various systems of the National Center of Health Statistics and the Department of Health and Human Sevices. Sources for Russian data include the Ministry of Health and Goskomstat. The report is the second installment of a series providing comparative information on health and vitals statistics for Russia and the United States.