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Lithuania Health Behavior Among the Adult Population 2012


General Info
Original or alternative title 
Study of the Lifestyle of Lithuanian Adults | Suaugusių Lietuvos ţmonių gyvensena tiriama 2012
Lithuania (LTU)
Coverage type 
Time period covered 
04/2012 - 12/2012
Series or system 
Lithuania Health Behavior Among the Adult Population
Data type
  • Cross-sectional
  • Individual
  • Nationally representative

The purpose of this survey was to collect data from various social and demographic groups to evaluate health, healthcare access, lifestyle changes, and health behavior trends.

The survey was conducted with a questionnaire mailed to randomly selected adults from the Lithuanian Register. The questionnaire was completed by 725 men and 1,076 women, ages 20-64. The questions covered age, education, ethnicity, marital status, residence, health status, healthcare access, and lifestyle. The lifestyle questions covered the topics of smoking, alcohol consumption, diet, exercise, and traffic safety.