NavGeneral InfoEmail Print Provider Ministry of Public Health (Lebanon)Tabulations only Geography Lebanon (LBN) Coverage type Country Time period covered 01/2004 - 12/2007 Series or system Lebanon Statistical Bulletin Data type Report: Subnationally representative Summary This annual report contains data compiled from the Ministry of Public Health and is available on the ministry's website. The report contains basic health indicator data such as population, mortality rate, number of physicians, and immunization coverage for the year 2007. Tabulations provide numbers for inpatients admitted at the expense of the Ministry of Public Health by sex and ICD-10 diagnosis. Keywords Asthma, Beds, Blood disorders, Cardiovascular and circulatory diseases, Causes of morbidity, Child mortality, Cholera, Contraceptives, DTP vaccines, Dentists, Diabetes, Diphtheria, Echinococcosis, Epilepsy, Gonococcal infections, Gout, Government health expenditures, HIV and AIDS, Health care use, Health facilities, Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis B vaccines, Hepatitis C, Hospitals, Hypertension, ICD-10, Immunization, Incidence, Infant mortality, Infectious diseases, Intestinal infectious diseases, Intestinal nematode infections, Leishmaniasis, Leprosy, Life expectancy, Live births, Malaria, Maternal mortality, Measles, Measles vaccines, Meningitis, Metabolic disorders, Mortality, Mumps, Neglected tropical diseases, Neurological conditions, Noncommunicable diseases, Patient counts, Peptic ulcer disease, Pharmacies, Pharmacists, Physicians, Polio, Polio vaccines, Population, Rabies, Rubella, Schistosomiasis, Skilled birth attendants, Syphilis, Tetanus, Thyroid gland disorders, Tuberculosis, Typhoid and paratyphoid fevers, Whooping cough Citation Contributors Ministry of Public Health (Lebanon) Funders Italian Development Cooperation Publisher Ministry of Public Health (Lebanon) Suggested citation Ministry of Public Health (Lebanon). Lebanon Statistical Bulletin 2007. Beirut, Lebanon: Ministry of Public Health (Lebanon). GHDx Entry last modified on: Jan 7, 2022