NavGeneral InfoEmail Print Original or alternative title Living Conditions and Household Budget Survey (LCHBS) 2004-5 Provider Central Administration of Statistics (Lebanon)Tabulations only Geography Lebanon (LBN) Coverage type Country Time period covered 02/2004 - 02/2005 Series or system Lebanon Household Living Conditions Surveys Data type Survey: Cross-sectionalHouseholdIndividualInterviewNationally representative Summary The National Survey of Household Living Conditions conducted in 2004-2005 examined demographic and socioeconomic characteristics and contributing factors of households in Lebanon. The survey also assessed the conditions of dwellings, poverty lines, access to services, household budgets and incomes, and consumption. Data were collected through four questionnaires covering living conditions, purchases, expenditure diary completed by the head of household, and additional expenditure diaries completed by all other members of the household above 15 years. A total of 56,513 individuals from 13,003 households successfully completed the survey. Keywords Assets, Congenital anomalies, Disability, Education, Electricity, Employment, Family size, Health insurance, Household heat, Housing conditions, Leisure activities, Lighting, Literacy, Marital status, Refrigeration, Sanitation, School enrollment, Schools, Sexual abstinence, Unemployment, Unintentional injuries, Waste disposal, Water supply Citation Contributors Central Administration of Statistics (Lebanon) United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Ministry of Social Affairs (Lebanon) Suggested citation Lebanon National Survey of Household Living Conditions 2004. GHDx Entry last modified on: Sep 27, 2024