NavGeneral InfoEmail Print Geography Lao People's Democratic Republic (LAO) Coverage type Country Time period covered 03/1992 - 02/1993 Series or system Laos Expenditure and Consumption Survey Data type Survey: Cross-sectionalHouseholdIndividualInterviewNationally representativeUrban-rural representative Summary The Expenditure and Consumption Survey (LECS) was conducted in conjunction with the Social Indicator Survey (LSIS). The purpose of these two surveys was to gather information for the study of living conditions and the monitoring of societal changes. Topics covered by these two surveys included household consumption, expenditures, living conditions, employment, poverty, resources, assets, transportation, communication, education, health, mortality, and fertility. The Expenditure and Consumption Survey employed household interviews and consumption diaries. Households recorded their daily consumption in the diaries for one month. The survey was conducted in 147 villages with 2,937 participating households and 19,574 individuals. Keywords Agriculture, Education expenditures, Food expenditures, Health care use, Household expenditures, Literacy, Marital status, Mass media, Medicines, Mortality, Personal health expenditures, Processed foods, Summary birth history, Transportation, Whole grains Citation Contributors National Statistical Center (Laos) Statistics Sweden Funders United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA) Suggested citation National Statistical Center (Laos), Statistics Sweden. Laos Expenditure and Consumption Survey 1992-1993. GHDx Entry last modified on: Mar 7, 2022