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Kenya Malaria Indicator Survey 2010


General Info
Kenya (KEN)
Coverage type 
Time period covered 
07/2010 - 09/2010
Series or system 
Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS)
Data type
  • Cross-sectional
  • GPS coordinates (GIS)
  • Household
  • Individual
  • Interview
  • Nationally representative
  • Subnationally representative
  • Urban-rural representative

A nationally representative sample of 7,200 households was selected for the 2010 Kenya Malaria Indicator Survey. The survey used the National Sample Survey and Evaluation Program (NASSEP IV) sampling frame and a two-stage, cluster method was used. A total of 240 clusters were selected with a uniform sample of 30 households allocated to each cluster.

The survey included two types of questionnaire, one for households and one for women between the age 15-49. Data collection was conducted using personal digital assistants (PDAs). Children between the age of 6-months and 14-years were tested for anemia with a finger-prick blood samples. Children between the age of 3-months and 14-years finger prick blood samples were taken for both rapid malaria testing and laboratory-confirmed malaria testing.