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Italy Live Births - I.Stat


General Info
Italy (ITA)
Coverage type 
Time period covered 
01/2001 - 12/2017
Series or system 
Data type
Vital registration:
  • Subnationally representative

This dataset, provided by the Italian National Institute of Statistics through its I.Stat portal, presents statistics on live births for the country as a whole and each NUTS macroregion, Italian region, and Italian province. Data are available for total live births along with disaggregations by geographical area of birth; age class and marital status for the mother, father, and couple; country of citizenship; and births inside and outside of wedlock. The statistics are produced using live births registered in the country's population register; migration and calculation of yearly resident population; resident municipal population by age, sex and marital status; migration and calculation of foreign resident population and structure by citizenship; and municipal resident foreign population by sex and year of birth.