NavGeneral InfoEmail Print Original or alternative title Aspetti della Vita Quotidiana 2014 Provider National Institute of Statistics (Italy)Microdata access: Request Geography Italy (ITA) Coverage type Country Time period covered 01/2014 - 12/2014 Series or system Italy Aspects of Daily Life Data type Survey: Cross-sectionalHouseholdIndividualInterviewNationally representativeSubnationally representative Summary The Aspects of Daily Life survey has been conducted annually since 1993. The purpose of this survey was to collect information in order to assess trends and patterns in daily life activities and behavior. The data were collected through household in-person interviews and self-completed questionnaires for individual household members. The main topic areas of the interview and questionnaire were family composition, employment, education, health status, perceptions of public services, technology use, housing conditions, food consumption, and social engagement. The sample size for this survey was 18,864 households and 44,984 individuals within those households. Keywords Absenteeism, Alcohol use, Allergies, Assets, Asthma, Birth place, Body mass index, Burns, COPD, Cancers, Child labor, Cirrhosis of the liver, Community action, Counseling, Dairy products, Diabetes, Disability, Domestic migration, Drug consumption, Education, Education access, Electricity, ENDS use, Emergency care, Employment, Employment benefits, Falls, Family composition, Family size, Fish, Foreign bodies, Fruits ... Absenteeism, Alcohol use, Allergies, Assets, Asthma, Birth place, Body mass index, Burns, COPD, Cancers, Child labor, Cirrhosis of the liver, Community action, Counseling, Dairy products, Diabetes, Disability, Domestic migration, Drug consumption, Education, Education access, Electricity, ENDS use, Emergency care, Employment, Employment benefits, Falls, Family composition, Family size, Fish, Foreign bodies, Fruits, Gall bladder and bile duct disease, Health care access, Health care use, Health facilities, Health insurance, Health status, Heart disease, Height, Home care, Hospitals, Hours worked, Household heat, Housing conditions, Hypertension, Illicit drug use, Income, Injuries, International migration, Internet, Iodine supplements, Ischemic heart disease, Legumes, Leisure activities, Length of stay, Marital status, Mass media, Meat, Milk, Osteoarthritis, Osteoporosis, Outpatient facilities, Peptic ulcer disease, Pharmacies, Physical activity, Poisonings, Private health facilities, Processed foods, Processed meats, Public health facilities, Religion, Sanitation, School enrollment, Starchy vegetables, Suffocation, Taxes, Telephones, Tobacco smoking, Traditional medicine, Transportation, Unemployment, Unintentional injuries, Unprocessed red meat, Vegetables, Waste disposal, Water supply, Weight, FFQ, Diet, Fruits and vegetables, 24HR dietary recall, Secondhand smoke [View more] Citation Contributors National Institute of Statistics (Italy) Publisher National Institute of Statistics (Italy) Suggested citation National Institute of Statistics (Italy). Italy Aspects of Daily Life 2014. Rome, Italy: National Institute of Statistics (Italy). GHDx Entry last modified on: Sep 26, 2024