NavGeneral InfoEmail Print Provider Statistical Centre of IranTabulations only Geography Iran (Islamic Republic of) (IRN) Coverage type Country Time period covered 10/2011 - 11/2011 Data type Census: De jureHouseholdIndividualInterviewNationally representativeUrban-rural representative Summary The 2011 census was the seventh national population and housing census in Iran. Census day was October 24, 2011. All households were enumerated, including foreign residents, the homeless, and the nomadic population. Diplomats and their families, transit passengers, and travelers staying in hotels were not included in the census. The questionnaire covers basic indicators as population, household, and housing. New additions to the 2011 census are data on access to the Internet, agricultural activities of the household, and incidence of death in households at the individual level. Keywords Agriculture, Assets, Birth place, Child labor, Cooking fuels, Disability, Domestic migration, Education, Education degrees, Electricity, Employment, Family composition, Family size, Hearing loss, Household air pollution, Household deaths, Household heat, Housing conditions, Housing materials, International migration, Internet, Literacy, Live births, Marital status, Mental and behavioral disorders, Mortality, Population, Population density, Religion, Sanitation, School enrollment, Telephones, Transportation, Vision loss, Water supply, Summary birth history Citation Contributors Statistical Centre of Iran Publisher Statistical Centre of Iran Suggested citation Statistical Centre of Iran. Iran National Population and Housing Census 2011. Tehran, Iran (Islamic Republic of): Statistical Centre of Iran. GHDx Entry last modified on: Sep 6, 2023