NavGeneral InfoEmail Print Provider Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation (India)Microdata access: Request Geography India (IND) Coverage type Country Time period covered 07/2009 - 06/2010 Series or system India National Sample Survey (NSS) Data type Survey: Cross-sectionalHouseholdInterviewNationally representativeSample registrationSubnationally representativeUrban-rural representative Summary The National Sample Survey (NSS) is a national socioeconomic survey conducted in annual rounds with a cycle of rotating topics. In the 66th Round, July 2009 to June 2010, the NSS included two schedules: household consumer expenditure (type 1 and type 2) and employment. The household consumer expenditure survey used two versions of the standard Schedule 1.0, with recall periods of 30 and 7 days and samples of 100,855 and 100,794 households, respectively. The employment survey sampled 100,957 households. The survey sample was representative at the national and state levels, excluding select areas due to geographic remoteness. Keywords Alcohol use, Assets, Cooking fuels, Diet, Education, Education expenditures, Electricity, Employment, Family composition, Food expenditures, Household air pollution, Household expenditures, Housing, Housing conditions, Income, Internet, Land ownership, Marital status, Occupation codes, Occupations, Personal health expenditures, Poverty, Religion, Sanitation, School enrollment, Social class, Taxes, Tobacco smoking, Unemployment, Water supply Citation Contributors Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation (India) Publisher Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation (India) Suggested citation Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation (India). India National Sample Survey Round 66 2009-2010. New Delhi, India: Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation (India). GHDx Entry last modified on: Mar 6, 2025