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Low- and Middle-Income Country Educational Attainment Geospatial Estimates 2000-2017


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Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME)
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Coverage type 
Time period covered 
01/2000 - 12/2017
Data type
  • Subnationally representative

This dataset contains estimates produced for educational attainment for adults ages 15-49, and the 20–24 subgroup, by sex at the 5x5 km-level for 105 low- and middle-income countries for 2000-2017. It provides years of education and proportion of the population attaining key levels of education. These estimates were produced using individual records from 528 geo-referenced household sample survey and census sources.

The dataset includes the following:

  • GeoTIFF raster files for pixel-level estimates of mean educational attainment, and proportion of the population achieving zero, less than primary, primary, and secondary schooling for adults ages 15-49 and 20-24, divided by sex
  • CSV files of aggregated estimates for each country at the zero, first, and second administrative divisions
  • Code files used to generate the estimates