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How Many Lung Cancer Cases Could be Avoided if the Radon Levels in Swedish Homes is Lowered?


General Info
Original or alternative title 
Hur många lungcancerfall kan undvikas om radonhalterna i svenska bostäder sänks?
Sweden (SWE)
Coverage type 
Time period covered 
01/1988 - 12/2010
Data type

"How Many Lung Cancer Cases Could be Avoided if the Radon Levels in Swedish Homes is Lowered?" provides estimates on the number of cases of lung cancer associated with residential radon exposure, the number of potential future cases of cancers related to residential radon exposure, and the number of cases of lung cancer that could potentially be prevented with a reduction in residential radon levels. Estimates were produced using data from reports and studies on radon exposure in residential homes and associated lung cancer deaths conducted during the period of 1988-2010.