Global Health Data Exchange - Discover the World's Health Data

Health system performance for people with diabetes in 28 low- and middle-income countries: A cross-sectional study of nationally representative surveys


General Info
Benin (BEN)
Bhutan (BTN)
Chile (CHL)
China (CHN)
Comoros (COM)
Eswatini (SWZ)
Fiji (FJI)
Georgia (GEO)
Guyana (GUY)
India (IND)
Indonesia (IDN)
Kenya (KEN)
Liberia (LBR)
Mexico (MEX)
Mongolia (MNG)
Namibia (NAM)
Nepal (NPL)
Romania (ROU)
Togo (TGO)
Uganda (UGA)
Coverage type 
Time period covered 
01/2008 - 12/2016