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European Perinatal Health Report 2010


General Info
Original or alternative title 
European Perinatal Health Report: Health and Care of Pregnant Women and Babies in Europe in 2010
Austria (AUT)
Belgium (BEL)
Brussels-Capital Region, Flanders, Wallonia
Cyprus (CYP)
Czechia (CZE)
Denmark (DNK)
Estonia (EST)
Åland Islands
France (FRA)
Germany (DEU)
Greece (GRC)
Hungary (HUN)
Iceland (ISL)
Ireland (IRL)
Italy (ITA)
Latvia (LVA)
Lithuania (LTU)
Malta (MLT)
Norway (NOR)
Poland (POL)
Portugal (PRT)
Romania (ROU)
Slovakia (SVK)
Slovenia (SVN)
Spain (ESP)
Sweden (SWE)
England, Northern Ireland, Scotland, Wales
Finland (FIN)
Coverage type 
Time period covered 
01/2004 - 12/2010
Series or system 
European Perinatal Health Report
Data type

The EURO-PERISTAT European Perinatal Health Report, Health and Care of Pregnant Women and Babies in Europe in 2010, provides data on the EURO-PERISTAT defined core and recommended perinatal indicators for 26 European Union (EU) member countries, and Iceland, Norway, and Switzerland. Topics in the 2010 European Perinatal Health Report include: maternal, fetal, and neonatal mortality, pregnancy complications, neonatal conditions, and maternal and neonatal health care. Data presented in the report and the corresponding detailed data tables come from each EURO-PERISTAT project participating countries' national surveillance sources, such as population-based registries, and hospital reporting systems. Data also come from the Surveillance of Cerebral Palsy in Europe (SCPE), and European Surveillance of Congenital Anomalies (EUROCAT) networks.