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European Health for All Database - Number of Live Births


General Info
Original or alternative title 
HFA 19 - Number of live births, by sex
Albania (ALB)
Andorra (AND)
Armenia (ARM)
Austria (AUT)
Belarus (BLR)
Belgium (BEL)
Bulgaria (BGR)
Croatia (HRV)
Cyprus (CYP)
Czechia (CZE)
Denmark (DNK)
Estonia (EST)
Finland (FIN)
France (FRA)
Georgia (GEO)
Germany (DEU)
Greece (GRC)
Hungary (HUN)
Iceland (ISL)
Ireland (IRL)
Israel (ISR)
Italy (ITA)
Latvia (LVA)
Lithuania (LTU)
Malta (MLT)
Monaco (MCO)
Norway (NOR)
Poland (POL)
Portugal (PRT)
Romania (ROU)
Serbia (SRB)
Slovakia (SVK)
Slovenia (SVN)
Spain (ESP)
Sweden (SWE)
Türkiye (TUR)
Ukraine (UKR)
Coverage type 
Time period covered 
01/1970 - present
Series or system 
European Health for All Database
Data type

This table, available on the WHO Regional Office for Europe's European Health for All database (HFA-DB), presents data on the numbers of live births in a number of Western Europe, Central Europe, Eastern Europe, and Central Asian countries. Please note that the years of coverage vary for each country.
