NavGeneral InfoEmail Print Original or alternative title Encuesta Nacional de Demografía y Salud 1995 Provider Demographic and Health Surveys Program (DHS)Microdata access: Request Geography Colombia (COL) Coverage type Country Time period covered 03/1995 - 06/1995 Series or system DHS Standard Demographic and Health Survey (DHS) DHS Program Surveys Data type Survey: Cross-sectionalHouseholdIndividualInterviewNationally representativeUrban-rural representative Summary The Colombia Demographic and Health Survey 1995 is part of phase 3 of the DHS series, a comprehensive, nationally representative household survey which covers population, education, health, nutrition, family planning and household characteristics. The sample excluded the geographic areas outside of the continental territory of Colombia. These excluded areas represented less than 3 percent of the national population. The sample design allowed for estimations at the region level. The survey was completed by 11,140 women ages 15 to 49 in 10,112 households. Anthropomorphic measurements were taken of children in the household under the age of 5 and all participating women. Keywords Abortion, Abortive outcome, Age at first sex, Agriculture, Anemia, Antenatal care, Anthropometry, Antibiotics, Ascariasis, Assets, BCG vaccines, Birth control pills, Birth weight, Body mass index, Breastfeeding, Burns, Caesarean section, Child anthropometry, Child mortality, Complete birth history, Condoms, Contraceptive implants, Contraceptives, Cooking fuels, DTP vaccines, Diaphragms, Diarrhea, Diarrheal diseases, Disability, Domestic violence, Education, Education access, Electricity, Employment, Family composition, Family size, Female infertility, Fertility, Health care access, Health care use, Health insurance, Health literacy, Hearing loss, Height, Hookworm disease, Household air pollution, Household water treatment, Housing conditions, Housing materials, IUDs, Income, Infant mortality, Injectable contraceptives, Intentional injuries, Intimate partner violence, Land ownership, Limited mobility, Literacy, Live births, Lower respiratory infections, Malaria, Male infertility, Malnutrition, Marital status, Marriage age, Mass media, Maternal conditions, Measles vaccines, Menopause, Menstruation, Mental and behavioral disorders, Mortality, Multiple births, Neonatal conditions, Obesity, Occupations, Oral rehydration therapy, Place of delivery, Polio vaccines, Postpartum amenorrhea, Pregnancy, Private health facilities, Public health facilities, Sanitation, School enrollment, Sense organ diseases, Sexual abstinence, Sexual behavior, Sexual sterilization, Sexual violence, Skilled birth attendants, Spermicides, Stillbirths, Summary birth history, Telephones, Tetanus toxoid vaccines, Traditional birth control, Transportation, Trichuriasis, Upper respiratory infections, Vaccination cards, Vision loss, Water supply, Weight Citation Contributors Profamilia (Colombia) Macro International, Inc Funders United States Agency for International Development (USAID) United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) Colombian Family Welfare Institute International Planned Parenthood Federation Association for Voluntary Surgical Contraception (AVSC) Profamilia (Colombia) Publisher ICF International Publication year 1995 Suggested citation Macro International, Inc, Profamilia (Colombia). Colombia Demographic and Health Survey 1995. Fairfax, United States of America: ICF International, 1995. GHDx Entry last modified on: Sep 6, 2023