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China National Tuberculosis Prevalence Survey 1984-1985


General Info
Original or alternative title 
Nationwide random survey for the epidemiology of tuberculosis in 1984 / 85
China (CHN)
Coverage type 
Time period covered 
01/1984 - 12/1984
Series or system 
China National Tuberculosis Prevalence Survey
WHO National TB Prevalence Surveys
Data type
  • Exam
  • Individual
  • Nationally representative

The 1984-1985 Tuberculosis Prevalence Survey is the second survey conducted in this series, the first being held in 1979. The purpose of the survey was to improve control services in the country through the creation of a tuberculosis control network. Testing was conducted on participants to determine prevalence of tuberculosis, and 1,121,897 individuals participated in the exam.

Some libraries may be able to procure a report for this survey through the interlibrary loan system.