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China Household Income Project 1989 - ICPSR


General Info
China (CHN)
Coverage type 
Time period covered 
03/1989 - 06/1989
Series or system 
China Household Income Project
Data type
  • Cross-sectional
  • Household
  • Individual
  • Interview

This interview study, co-authored by Keith Griffin and Zhao Renwei and conducted in 1989, attempts to measure and estimate the income distribution in rural and urban areas of the People's Republic of China in 1988. The population samples were selected from larger samples (67,186 rural households and 34,945 urban households) drawn by the State Statistical Bureau, and the data were collected for the analysis of individuals and households in both urban and rural areas. Similar studies were done in 1995 and 2002.

Publicly available through Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR) or Data Sharing for Demographic Research (DSDR).